Looking at the Big Picture An overview of the Business

The Big Picture

The big picture is so you know which direction to take. It is an overview of your Business


The big picture for me is sketching the plan of my online business on paper so I can see what it is that I am aiming to achieve. It gives me a visual picture. (that is how my mind works) There are Mind-maps and sometimes it could be on the whiteboard, but I prefer my sketch pad.

Then I can refine the process. Break down exactly what I need to do and what it should look like. What topics and categories each site should have. Who the target market is for that site and the biggest issues that need addressing.

By looking at the big picture I can see what social profiles need to be setup. (Be careful here as Social Media is distracting) More than one site can feed your Social Networks, so define which groups are best for which sites. Start developing a following with the overall plan in mind.  With this done right it will become a huge traffic source.

Plan which direction to take the audience on once they join the list

Each list NEEDS a purpose with a range of products and information to share. Groups need to be monitored and tracked. The big plan will show which sites go on which mailing group. The tracking programs sorts which customers brought which product or it shows what they may be interested in by the free items they acquired.

I use a Program called Leads Flow Pro for this purpose. It is usually sold with Rapid Mailer. An Autoresponder that you host on your hosting. these programs give me more control than using just a paid autoresponder service. I am in control of my own list. 

Where to start once once the Big Plan is defined…

As you become known people are going to look for you. That is why I have the blog. The blog is a way to tell my story as I unfold the sites and implement the big picture. It is part of a core group of sites. So the next step is to set up those core sites. These first stand alone sites are also linked. These core sites also form a part of other groups of sites. My Online Business Group and my Big Store.

The main reason for linking my sites is two fold.

  • People who find one site in any group can also link to the next site to find what they want. On the big Store site, that linking will be in the form of a Huge Base Menu on the top site that all sites will link to. This makes it easy to add or change the stores in the chain.
  • The search engines can easily find and track my sites. The  linking between sites and within sites gives the sites more ranking. The Social posting from each site also builds links back to the sites and builds more SEO value for the sites.

My aim will be to later have more feeder sites that link to the main websites. This way I can draw more customers by linking each site in sequence.When you look at this on the big plan it starts to make more sense.

The core  sites also utilize my older domains that already have some ranking value. I talk about search engine ranking because in my decades of building websites SEO was the leading factor in in getting traffic to the websites. Till this day I have always taken the time to set up good SEO practices.

What about Products in the big plan of things…

Products are what make all the money. My main interest is in the Online training niche. Most of my main Products are aimed at this online niche.

All the products are sold through JV platforms to encourage marketers to promote them. All my JV  pages are listed on the one JV site and the Sales pages are listed on one sales platform as all my Products come under one Brand. The reasoning for this is to let Affiliates know about all the Products I sell.

I will also have my own promotion store to sell my products. This can be linked to from the main store or groups. That store will have a link to my affiliate promotion platform.

I am aiming the big store at Family and family needs and desires… but hey isn’t that all of us. The big store is an added income derived from selling affiliate products in many top niches. Think of this as the many different stores in a big shopping mall. The Main Site Menu is like the big display board in the shopping mall that gives directions to the  stores.

From this platform I can promote affiliate  products and sell my Products. So what are those products.

  • My core Products are about Building an online Business because that is what I am doing. I am recording the steps. Taking notes and photographs or screen shots and building guidelines. I have not quiet got to the video step, but that is to come.
  • There are also Viral niche topic reports for the mailing lists to build. The reports are viral in that they link back to the sites and they may have relevant links to products or social links.
  • There will also be Branded videos both for advertising and building awareness. A simple cat video on the cat site gets peoples attention. It keeps them on the site long enough to satisfy the search engines that it is a quality site.  It also educates or entertains the viewer that they share it with their social sites. This gives a viral effect and draws more visitors.
  • Building all these products is going to take time. So I brought the full rights to a number of programs. As past of the next step in the big plan I have a couple different promotion sites to sell these programs from. I should have these sites live in the coming days.

So lets recap what is the big plan…

The big plan goes like this…

  • Build the Core Sites and link them to the Blog. Make sure they are secure and linked to Cloudflare before adding to Google and setting up Analytics to track visitor engagement.. 
  • Setup the Social Sites and start linking all the posts. This will include revising old Social Pages and building that interest again. Add each of these social sites to an automated social management plugin on each of the sites.
  • Add all the paid programs to each of these core sites and start building out the sites. Adding  bonus pages where appropriate. Bonus pages are an added way to track sales and build a buyers list.
  • When ready start promoting each of the sites.  The aim is to build awareness and start building a list. Encourage social sharing and interaction on the sites.
  • Build out the Base Sites, the store and the IM group of sites following the same principals as above. Keeping in mind how these will build towards the overall big plan. Income from the base stores is a bonus to building the promotion lists. The speed of how these lists grows determines the amount of effort put into those niches. 
  • Start implementing the Products plan. One Product at a time. Test the market with smaller products, while building the Main Core Product Funnels. The growing lists determine which areas to concentrate on first and getting feedback from these groups is essential to targeting the products to those bigger niches.
  • Building a targeted affiliate army to promote products once they are ready for the affiliate platforms.  I have a group of people who have said they would promote my products. So I will build on this group by teaching my buyers to promote and give them access to my affiliate site too.  They learn by actually doing something and my products help them through each step.

Then I simply repeat the process as I build out the store and feeder sites. Then build more products for my growing markets and  keep my customers happy with fun light hearten entertainment and quality unique viral content. 

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